Profile Manager

This dialog allows WaveSurgeon to be configured for your sampler. Read the note below before using SCSI! Click here for specific details on sampler configuration.

Setting up your sampler
First, open the Profile Manager from the æSamplerÆ menu. You will be met with the following options:

Protocol: This selects the sampler WaveSurgeon is communicating with. Supported samplers are detailed above. Each protocol will state either MIDI or SCSI, depending on how it communicates. If a protocol also requires a MIDI setting to transfer mapping information, the protocol name will be suffixed by the words æneeds MIDI outÆ.

MIDI Input: This selects the midi-input device. Generally only required for SDS transfers, choose the port the sampler is connected to. If the protocol is SCSI only, this box will be ægreyed outÆ and therefore unavailable û its setting is not important.

MIDI Output: This selects the midi-output device. This is required for SDS transfers, and may also be necessary to transmit sample mapping information. Choose the port the sampler is connected to. If the protocol is SCSI only, this box will be ægreyed outÆ.

Channel: This selects the midi channel. This is required for SDS transfers; choose the channel your sampler is set to. If the protocol is SCSI only, this box will be ægreyed outÆ.

Open loop: This selects the type of MIDI (SDS ONLY!) transfer. When unchecked, two cables (one from the MIDI output of your PC to the MIDI input of your sampler, and vice versa) are required, and WaveSurgeon will æhandshakeÆ with your sampler, detecting any errors which occur. When checked, only one cable in the direction of transfer is required (e.g. from PC MIDI out to sampler MIDI when sending a sample). However, errors in transfer cannot be rectified. If the protocol is SCSI only, this box will be ægreyed outÆ.

SCSI Adaptor: (advanced registration only!) This selects the SCSI host adaptor (if installed) your sampler is connected to, if any. If the protocol is MIDI only, this box will be ægreyed outÆ.

SCSI Device: (advanced registration only!) This selects the SCSI device (if installed), which will be your sampler. If the protocol is MIDI only, this box will be ægreyed outÆ.

Offset: Set this if your sampler requires an offset (e.g. if you have 7 samples initially in your sampler when you turn it on, by setting this to 7 you will be able to select position 1 in the sampler transfer dialog and transfer to position 8 in your sampler). Not required for Akai S2000 series transfers.

Profile: Using this box, you are able to choose pre-stored sampler profiles + amend them.

Store: Stores the current sampler profiles. Click, enter a name, and click ok. The profile will then be added to the profile box.

Delete: Removes the currently selected profile.

When each sampler is configured correctly, click æOKÆ and choose the æSample TransferÆ option from the sampler menu.

Note #1: Stereo samples
SDS transfer only supports mono samples. To get around this, when sending a stereo sample, if æL + RÆ (linked channel editing) mode is chosen, then the channels will be merged before sending. If æL / RÆ (independent channel editing) mode is chosen, then a box will appear, allowing you to send either the left (æLÆ) or right (æRÆ) channel.

Note #2: SCSI
WaveSurgeon now supports transfers over SCSI, which are much faster than SDS dumps. However, it is VERY IMPORTANT that you read this before use! - Square Circle Software accepts no liability for loss or damage resulting from use of these features!